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Base Board Micrex-SX SPH Fuji Electric



Kitoma Indonesia - Base Board Micrex-SX SPH Fuji Electric


Base Board Micrex-SX SPH type

  • NP1BS-03
  • NP1BS-06
  • NP1BS-08
  • NP1BS-11
  • NP1BS-13
  • NP1BP-13
  • NP1BS-08S
  • NP1BS-11S
  • NP1BS-13S
  • NP1BP-13S
  • NP1BS-08D
  • NP1BS-11D
  • NP1BS-13D
  • NP1BP-13D



Name Type No. of slots Maximum no. of modules Internal current consumption Mass Remarks
Standard base board NP1BS-03 3 slots 2 (Not contain the power supply) 35mA or less Approx. 250g SX bus 3 slots, processor bus 2 slots
NP1BS-06 6 slots 5 (Not contain the power supply) 45mA or less Approx. 420g SX bus 6 slots, processor bus 4 slots
NP1BS-08 8 slots 6 (Not contain the power supply) 50mA or less Approx. 540g SX bus 8 slots, processor bus 3 slots
NP1BS-11 11 slots 9 (Not contain the power supply) 60mA or less Approx. 720g SX bus 11 slots, processor bus 3 slots
NP1BS-13 13 slots 11 (Not contain the power supply) 70mA or less Approx. 840g SX bus 13 slots, processor bus 3 slots
High-performance base board NP1BP-13 13 slots 11 (Not contain the power supply) 70mA or less Approx. 840g SX bus 13 slots, processor bus 10 slots
Station number setting switch incorporated standard base board NP1BS-08S 8 slots 6 (Not contain the power supply) 60mA or less Approx. 550g SX bus 8 slots, processor bus 3 slots
NP1BS-11S 11 slots 9 (Not contain the power supply) 70mA or less Approx. 730g SX bus 11 slots, processor bus 3 slots
NP1BS-13S 13 slots 11 (Not contain the power supply) 80mA or less Approx. 850g SX bus 13 slots, processor bus 3 slots
Station number setting switch
incorporated high-performance
base board
NP1BP-13S 13 slots 11 (Not contain the power supply) 80mA or less Approx. 850g SX bus 13 slots, processor bus 10 slots
Station number setting switch
incorporated hot plugging
standard base board
NP1BS-08D 8 slots 6 (Not contain the power supply) 70mA or less Approx. 550g SX bus 8 slots, processor bus 3 slots
NP1BS-11D 11 slots 9 (Not contain the power supply) 80mA or less Approx. 730g SX bus 11 slots, processor bus 3 slots
NP1BS-13D 13 slots 11 (Not contain the power supply) 80mA or less Approx. 850g SX bus 13 slots, processor bus 3 slots
Station number setting switch
incorporated hot plugging
high-performance base board
NP1BP-13D 13 slots 11 (Not contain the power supply) 80mA or less Approx. 850g SX bus 13 slots, processor bus 10 slots


Mount a power supply module, plus not less than one module, onto the base board.
Make sure to always mount power supply module at the left side of the base board.
High-performance base board is used when configuring the system, such as multi-CPUs and redundancy, which use a processor bus heavily.

Modules which use the processor bus are as follows:
・CPU module       ・FL-net module
・P/PE link module       ・LE-net relevant module


No. of slots W1 W2
3 133 115
6 238 220
8 308 290
11 413 395
13 483 465

When the connector is mounted, depth is max 195.3 mm. The bracket is already mounted on the base board



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