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Mitsubishi Inverter Freqrol FR-A700 Series



Kitoma Indonesia - Mitsubishi Inverter Freqrol FR-A700 Series


Mitsubishi Inverters Freqrol FR-A 700 telah menggabungkan fungsi inovatif dan teknologi yang handal dengan maksimal, ekonomis dan fleksibilitas. Mitsubishi Inverter FR-A700 sangat cocok untuk menuntut aplikasi seperti like cranes and lifting gear, high-bay warehousing systems, extruders, centrifuges dan winding machines.

Apa yang dapat Anda harapkan dari Mitsubishi Inverter FR-A700?

Ketepatan tanpa encoders
Bahkan tanpa encoders Mitsubishi inverter FR-A700 terus menerus menghitung fluks magnet yang optimal untuk setiap kondisi pengoperasian. Memungkinkan menggunakan inverter untuk banyak aplikasi yang sebelumnya hanya domain eksklusif DC.

Generasi baru inverter memiliki fungsi autotuning yang dapat memperoleh semua spesifikasi yang diperlukan dari motor dalam waktu kurang dari satu menit, bahkan ketika motor tidak berjalan.

Kemampuan Jaringan
Dapat digunakan dengan kedua port USB dan koneksi untuk Modbus-RTU sebagai perlengkapan standar. Dukungan juga tersedia untuk Profibus, CC-Link, CANopen dan III SSCNET.

Long Service Life Guaranteed
Mitsubishi Electric inverter dikenal sangat panjang umurnya, namun Mitsubishi Inverter FR-A700 menetapkan standar yang lebih tinggi. komponen utamanya dirancang untuk hidup lebih dari 10 tahun.

Pengoperasian yang Mudah terhadap Pengguna
Setup dilakukan dengan program Configurator FR, yang juga dapat men-download, menyimpan dan data dokumen aplikasi. Osiloskop dan fungsi mesin analisis membantu pengguna untuk mengoptimalkan sistem drive. Data dan pengaturan dari model terdahulunya dapat diimpor langsung dan dikonversi untuk digunakan dalam model baru.


Mitsubishi Electric’s RSV technology gives you class-leading power, control and flexibility.

  • Wide Speed Range: 200:1 operating range is possible - even when the drive is used ‘open loop’
  • PLC Feature: A700 programmability provides true intelligence inside the drive - a simple solution for complex applications
  • Easy Gain Tuning: Compensates automatically for changes in load inertia to ensure smooth and consistent operation
  • Fast Response: Up to 300 radians / second speed response means lightning fast reaction to sudden load changes
  • USB Port: Allows simple connection to the new FR-Configurator Software for quick and easy commissioning
  • Power Down Braking: Keeps the motor under control even if the supply power is lost
  • Remote I / O Capability: All of the drive I/O can be read or controlled over a network
  • Brake Transistor Circuit: Included in all sizes up to 30 Hp
  • Integral Radio Filter: Limits Radio Noise emissions to meet EU Directive - all sizes of drive
  • Speed Control: with or without torque limit allows 200:1 Speed range, driving or overhauling
  • Open Loop Torque Control: including torque at zero speed
  • UL Listed for single-phase input


A700 General Specifications


Operation Specifications

Control Method

Soft-PWM control/high carrier frequency PWM control (selectable from among V/F control, advanced magnetic flux vector control and real sensorless vector control) / vector control (when used with option FR-A7AP) (*1)

Output Frequency Range

0.2 to 400Hz

Frequency Setting Resolution

Analog Input

0.015Hz/0 to 60Hz (terminal 2, 4: 0 to 10V/12 bit); 0.03Hz/0 to 60Hz (terminal 2, 4: 0 to 5V/11 bit, 0 to 20mA/about 11 bit, terminal 1: 0 to ±10V/12 bit) 0.06Hz/0 to 60Hz (terminal 1: 0 to ±5V/11 bit)

Digital Input


Frequency Accuracy

Analog Input

Within ±0.2% of the max. output frequency (25°C ±10°C)

Digital Input

Within 0.01% of the set output frequency

Voltage / Frequency Characteristics

Base frequency can be set from 0 to 400Hz Constant torque/variable torque pattern or adjustable 5 points V/F can be selected

Starting Torque

200% 0.3Hz (up to frame size C), 150% 0.3Hz (Frame Size D and above) (under real sensorless vector control or vector control)

Torque Boost

Manual torque boost

Acceleration / Deceleration Time Setting

0 to 3600s (acceleration and deceleration can be set individually), linear or S-pattern acceleration/deceleration mode, backlash measures acceleration/deceleration can be selected.

DC Injection Brake

Operation frequency (0 to 120Hz), operation time (0 to 10s), operation voltage (0 to 30%) variable

Stall Prevention Operation Level

Operation current level can be set (0 to 220% adjustable), whether to use the function or not can be selected

Torque Limit Level

Torque limit value can be set (0 to 400% variable)

Frequency Setting Signal

Analog Input

Terminal 2: 4: 0 to 10V, 0 to 5V, 4 to 20mA can be selected • Terminal 1:-10 to +10V, -5 to +5V can be selected

Digital Input

Input using the setting dial of the operation panel or parameter unit. Four-digit BCD or 16 bit binary (when used with option FR-A7AX)

Start Signal

Forward and reverse rotation or start signal automatic self-holding input (3-wire input) can be selected.

Input Signal

Select any twelve signals using Pr. 178 to Pr. 189 (input terminal function selection) from among multi speed selection, remote setting, stop-on-contact, second function selection, third function selection, terminal 4 input selection, JOG operation selection, selection of automatic restart after instantaneous power failure, flying start, external thermal relay input, inverter operation enable signal (FR-HC/FR-CV connection), FR-HC connection (instantaneous power failure detection), PU operation/external inter lock signal, external DC injection brake operation start, PID control enable terminal, brake opening completion signal, PU operation/external operation switchover, load pattern selection forward rotation reverse rotation boost, V/F switching, load torque high-speed frequency, S-pattern acceleration/deceleration C switchover, pre-excitation, output stop, start self-holding selection, control mode changing, torque limit selection, start-time tuning start external input, torque bias selection 1, 2 (*1), P/PI control switchover, forward rotation command, reverse rotation command, inverter reset, PTC thermistor input, PID forward reverse operation switchover, PU-NET operation switchover, NET-external operation switchover, and command source switchover, conditional position pulse train sign (*1), conditional position droop pulse clear (*1).

Pulse Train Input


Operational Functions

Maximum/minimum frequency setting, frequency jump operation, external thermal relay input selection, polarity reversible operation, automatic restart after instantaneous power failure operation, commercial power supply-inverter switchover operation, forward/reverse rotation prevention, remote setting, brake sequence, second function, third function, multi-speed operation, original operation continuation at instantaneous power failure, stop-on-contact control, load torque high speed frequency control, droop control, regeneration avoidance, slip compensation, operation mode selection, offline auto tuning function, online auto tuning function, PID control, computer link operation (RS-485), motor end orientation (*1), machine end orientation (*1), pre-excitation, notch filter, machine analyzer (*1), easy gain tuning, speed feed forward, and torque bias (*1)

Output Signals

Operating Status

Select any signals using Pr. 190 to Pr. 196 (output terminal function selection) from among inverter running, up-to-frequency, instantaneous power failure/undervoltage, overload warning, output frequency (speed) detection, second output frequency (speed) detection, third output frequency (speed) detection, regenerative brake prealarm, electronic thermal relay function pre-alarm, PU operation mode, inverter operation ready, output current detection, zero current detection, PID lower limit, PID upper limit, PID forward rotation reverse rotation output, commercial power supply-inverter switchover MC1, commercial power supply-inverter switchover MC2, commercial power supply-inverter switchover MC3, orientation completion (*1), brake opening request, fan fault output, heatsink overheat pre-alarm , inverter running/start command on, deceleration at an instantaneous power failure, PID control activated, during retry, PID output interruption, life alarm, alarm output 1, 2, 3 (power-off signal), power savings average value update timing, current average monitor, maintenance timer alarm, remote output, forward rotation output (*1), reverse rotation output (*1), low speed output, torque detection, regenerative status output (*1), start-time tuning completion, in-position completion (*1), minor failure output and alarm output. Open collector output (5 points), relay output (2 points) and alarm code of the inverter can be output (4 bit) from the open collector.

Using FR-A7AY, FR-A7AR (optional)

In addition to the above, select any signals using Pr. 313 to Pr. 319 (extension output terminal function selection) from among control circuit capacitor life, main circuit capacitor life, cooling fan life, inrush current limit circuit life (only positive logic can be set for extension terminals of the FR-A7AR).

Pulse Train Input


Pulse / Analog Output

Select any signals using Pr. 54 FM terminal function selection (pulse train output) and Pr. 158 AM terminal function selection (analog output) from among output frequency, motor current (steady or peak value), output voltage, frequency setting, operation speed, motor torque, converter output voltage (steady or peak value), electronic thermal relay function load factor, input power, output power, load meter, motor excitation current, reference voltage output, motor load factor, power saving effect, regenerative brake duty, PID set point, PID measured value, motor output, torque command, torque current command, and torque monitor.


PU (FR-DU07 / FR-PU07 / FR-PU04)

Operating Status

Output frequency, motor current (steady or peak value), output voltage, frequency setting, running speed,motor torque, overload, converter output voltage (steady or peak value), electronic thermal relay function load factor, input power, output power, load meter, motor excitation current, cumulative energization time, actual operation time, motor load factor, cumulative power, energy saving effect, cumulative saving power, regenerative brake duty, PID set point, PID measured value, PID deviation, inverter I/O terminal monitor, input terminal option monitor (*2), output terminal option monitor (*2), option fitting status (*3), terminal assignment status (*3), torque command, torque current command, feed back pulse (*1), motor output

Alarm Definition

Alarm definition is displayed when the protective function is activated, the output voltage/current/frequency/cumulative energization time right before the protection function was activated and past 8 alarm definitions are stored.

Interactive Guidance

Operation guide/trouble shooting with a help function (*3)

Protective / Warning Function

Overcurrent during acceleration, overcurrent during constant speed, overcurrent during deceleration, overvoltage during acceleration, overvoltage during constant speed, overvoltage during deceleration, inverter protection thermal operation, motor protection thermal operation, heatsink overheat, instantaneous power failure occurrence, undervoltage, input phase failure, motor overload, output side earth (ground) fault overcurrent, output short circuit, main circuit element overheat, output phase failure, external thermal relay operation, PTC thermistor operation, option alarm, parameter error, PU disconnection, retry count excess, CPU alarm, operation panel power supply short circuit, 24VDC power output short circuit, output current detection value excess, inrush current limit circuit alarm, communication alarm (inverter), USB error, opposite rotation deceleration error, analog input error, fan fault, overcurrent stall prevention, overvoltage stall prevention, regenerative brake prealarm, electronic thermal relay function prealarm, PU stop, maintenance timer alarm (*2), brake transistor alarm, parameter write error, copy operation error, operation panel lock, parameter copy alarm, speed limit indication, encoder no-signal (*1), speed deviation large (*1), overspeed (*1), position error large (*1), encoder phase error (*1)


Ambient Temperature

-10°C to +50°C (non-freezing)

Ambient Humidity

90%RH maximum (non-condensing)

Storage Temperature (*4)

-20°C to +65°C


Indoors (without corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt etc.)

Altitude / Vibration

Maximum 1000m above sea level, 0.6 G or less (*5) (conforms to JIS C 60068-2-6)





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