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Inverter Hitachi SJH300 Series



Kitoma Indonesia - Inverter Hitachi SJH300 Series


Wide range of high frequency inverter (PWM control)

~wide range of 14 models(2.5 to 22 kVA 200V/400V)
Highest frequency is 1,500Hz


3-phase 200V 2.5kVA~22kVA
3-phase 400V 2.5kVA~22kVA



  • Wide functions
  • Output frequency ranges up to 1,500Hz
  • Improvement of operability
  • Easy maintenance structure


Model Configuration


Applicable motor capacity in kVA 2.5 3.5 5.5 8 11 16 22
200V class 2.5LF 3.5LF 5.5LF 8LF 11LF 16LF 22LF
400V class 2.5HF 3.5HF 5.5HF 8HF 11HF 16HF 22HF


Inverter Hitachi SJH300 Series : Standard Specifications

Standard specifications 200V


Model (SJH300-□□□) 2.5LF 3.5LF 5.5LF 8LF 11LF 16LF 22LF
Enclosure *1 IP20(NEMA1)
Rated capacity (kVA) 200V 2.5 3.6 5.7 8.3 11 15.9 22.1
240V 3.1 4.3 6.8 9.9 13.3 19.1 26.6
Rated input voltage 3-phase-(3-wire)200-240V(±10%),50Hz/60Hz
Rated output voltage *2 3-phase(3-wire)200-240V(Corresponding to input voltage)
Rated input current (A) 7.5 10.5 16.5 24 32 46 64
Control method Line to line sine wave pulse-width modulation(PWM) control
Output frequency range *3 0.1~1,500Hz
Frequency accuracy Digital:±0.01% of the maximum frequency, Analog:±0.2%(25±10°C)
Frequency resolution Digital setting: 0.01Hz, Analog setting: (Maximum frequency) /4,000
V/f characteristics V/f optionally variable, V/f control (constant torque, reduced torque)
Overload capacity 150% for 60sec., 200% for 0.5sec.
Acceleration/deceleration time 0.01-3,600sec.(Liner/curve, accel./decel. Selection), two-stage accel./decel.
Braking Dynamic braking(Short-time) *4 Built-in BRD circuit(optional resistor) External dynamic braking unit(option)
DC braking Performs at start ; under set frequency at deceleration, via an external input(braking force, time, and operating frequency)
Input signal Frequency setting Operator Up and down keys
External signal DC0-10V, -10(input impedance 10kO), 4~20mA(input impedance100O)
External port RS-485 interface
Operator Run key/Stop key(change FW/RV by function command)
External signal FW RUN/STOP(NO contact), RV set by terminal assignment(NO/NC), 3-wire input available
External port RS-485 interface
[8 terminals options]
RW(Reverse), CF1-CF4(Multispeed command), DB(External DC braking), 2~5 motor constants setting(SET0~SET2), 2CH(Second accel./Decel.)FRS(Free-run stop), EXT(External trip), USP(Unattended start protection), SFT(Software lock), AT(Analog input selection), RS(Reset), STP(3-wire stop), F/R(3-wire fwd./rev.), UP/DWN(Remote-contorolled accel./decel.), UDC(Remote-controlled data clearing), SF1-SF7(Multispeed bit command 1-7), OLR(Overload limit change), NO(Not selected)
Thermistor input One terminal(PTC characteristics)
Output signal Inteligent output terminals (5 Open collector outputs, one relay NO-NC combined contact)
(Selection from run, frequency arrival, over set frequency and alarm signal)
Inteligent monitor output terminals Analog voltage, analog current, PWM output
Display monitor Output frequency, output current, scaled value of output frequency, trip history, I/O terminal condition, input power, output voltage
Other user-settable parameters V/f free-setting, frequency upper/lower limit, frequency jump, accel/decel. curve selection, manual torque boost value and frequency adjustment, analog meter tuning, start frequency, electronic thermal protection level, external start/end, analog input selection, retry after trip, reduced voltage soft start, overload restriction
Protective functions *5 Over-current, overload, braking resistor overload, over-voltage, EEPROM error, under-voltage error, CT(Current transformer) error, CPU error, external trip, USP error, ground fault, input over-voltage, instantaneous power failure, expansion card 1 error, expansion card 2 error, inverter thermal trip, phase failure detection, IGBT error, thermistor error
Environmental conditions Ambient operating/storage temperture(*6)/humidity -10~50°C/-20~65°C/20~90%RH(No condensation)
Vibration *7 5.9m/s2(0.6G),10~55Hz
Location Altitude 1,000m or less, indoors(no corrosive gases or dust) *8
Color Gray
Options Braking resistor, dynamic braking units, AC reactor, DC reactor, noise filters for inverters control devices, SJ-DG(digital input expansion card)
Operators OPE-S(4-digit LED),
OPE-SR(4-digit LED with potentiometer)(Japanese/English overlay), SRW-0J(new remote operator)
ICS-1(1m), ICS-3(3m)(Cable for oprators)
Weight kg (lbs.) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 5 5 12


Standard specifications 400V


Model (SJH300-□□□) 2.5HF 3.5HF 5.5HF 8HF 11HF 16HF 22HF
Enclosure *1 IP20(NEMA1)
Rated capacity (kVA) 400V 2.6 3.6 5.9 8.3 11 15.9 22.1
480V 3.1 4.4 7.1 9.9 13.3 19.1 26.6
Rated input voltage 3-phase-(3-wire)200-240V(±10%),50Hz/60Hz
Rated output voltage *2 3-phase(3-wire)200-240V(Corresponding to input voltage)
Rated input current (A) 3.8 5.3 8.6 12 16 23 32
Control method Line to line sine wave pulse-width modulation(PWM) control
Output frequency range *3 0.1~1,500Hz
Frequency accuracy Digital:±0.01% of the maximum frequency, Analog:±0.2%(25±10°C)
Frequency resolution Digital setting: 0.01Hz, Analog setting: (Maximum frequency)/4,000
V/f characteristics V/f optionally variable, V/f control (constant torque, reduced torque)
Overload capacity 150% for 60sec., 200% for 0.5sec.
Acceleration/deceleration time 0.01-3,600sec.(Liner/curve, accel./decel. Selection), two-stage accel./decel.
Braking Dynamic braking(Short-time) *4 Built-in BRD circuit (optional resistor) External dynamic braking unit (option)
DC braking Performs at start ; under set frequency at deceleration, via an external input(braking force, time, and operating frequency)
Input signal Frequency setting Operator Up and down keys
External signal DC0-10V, -10(input impedance 10kO), 4~20mA(input impedance100O)
External port RS-485 interface
Operator Run key/Stop key(change FW/RV by function command)
External signal FW RUN/STOP(NO contact), RV set by terminal assignment(NO/NC), 3-wire input available
External port RS-485 interface
[8 terminals options] 
RW(Reverse), CF1-CF4(Multispeed command), DB(External DC braking), 2~5 motor constants setting(SET0~SET2), 2CH(Second accel./Decel.)FRS(Free-run stop), EXT(External trip), USP(Unattended start protection), SFT(Software lock), AT(Analog input selection), RS(Reset), STP(3-wire stop), F/R(3-wire fwd./rev.), UP/DWN(Remote-contorolled accel./decel.), UDC(Remote-controlled data clearing), SF1-SF7(Multispeed bit command 1-7), OLR(Overload limit change), NO(Not selected)
Thermistor input One terminal(PTC characteristics)
Output signal Inteligent output terminals (5 Open collector outputs, one relay NO-NC combined contact)
(Selection from run, frequency arrival, over set frequency and alarm signal)
Inteligent monitor output terminals Analog voltage, analog current, PWM output
Display monitor Output frequency, output current, scaled value of output frequency, trip history, I/O terminal condition, input power, output voltage
Other user-settable parameters V/f free-setting, frequency upper/lower limit, frequency jump, accel/decel. curve selection, manual torque boost value and frequency adjustment, analog input selection, retry after trip, reduced voltage soft start, overload restriction
Protective functions *5 Over-current, overload, braking resistor overload, over-voltage, EEPROM error, under-voltage error, CT(Current transformer) error, CPU error, external trip, USP error, ground fault, input over-voltage, instantaneous power failure, expansion card 1 error, expansion card 2 error, inverter thermal trip, phase failure detection, IGBT error, thermistor error
Environmental conditions Ambient operating/storage temperture (*6) /humidity -10~50°C-20~65°C/20~90%RH(No condensation)
Vibration *7 5.9m/s2(0.6G)、10~55Hz
Location Altitude 1,000m or less, indoors(no corrosive gases or dust) *8
Color Gray
Options Braking resistor, dynamic braking units, AC reactor, DC reactor, noise filters for inverters control devices, SJ-DG(digital input expansion card)
Operators OPE-S(4-digit LED),
OPE-SR(4-digit LED with potentiometer)(Japanese/English overlay), SRW-0J(new remote operator)
ICS-1(1m), ICS-3(3m)(Cable for oprators)
Weight kg (lbs.) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 5 5 12



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