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Linear Actuators Hiwin Tipe KS Series



Kitoma Indonesia - Linear Actuator Hiwin Type KS Series


KS Type Linear Actuators / SAR are equipped with a dust-proof strip to prevent wear particles from flying out. Because of the dust-proof design, this type of Linear Actuators / SAR is ideal for the manufacturing of semiconductor equipment, LED examination equipment, medical equipment, etc.


  • Low cost and compact
  • Dust-proof design
  • Precision and high speed
  • Easy installation
  • Design Optimization*
    • high stiffness + light weight structure


Tersedia tipe KS-S dan KS-P

KS-P Type    

KS Type Linear Actuators / SAR are equipped with a dust-proof strip to prevent wear particles from flying out. Because of the dust-proof design, this type of Linear Actuators / SAR is ideal for the manufacturing of semiconductor equipment, LED examination equipment, medical equipment, etc.


  • Low cost and compact
  • Dust-proof design
  • Precision and high speed
  • Easy installation
  • Design Optimization*
    • high stiffness + light weight structure



Model Dimensions
Stroke Length
Tem. (°C)
L1 L2 L3
KS18-030P 630 190 340 300 ±0.01 0~40 34
KS18-040P 730 240 440 400 ±0.01 0~40 36
KS18-050P 830 290 540 500 ±0.01 0~40 38
KS18-060P 930 340 640 600 ±0.01 0~40 44
KS18-080P 1130 440 840 800 ±0.01 0~40 44
KS18-100P 1330 540 1040 1000 ±0.01 0~40 48
KS18-120P 1530 640 1240 1200 ±0.01 0~40 52
KS18-140P 1730 740 1440 1400 ±0.01 0~40 56
KS18-160P 1930 840 1640 1600 ±0.01 0~40 60
KS18-180P 2130 940 1840 1800 ±0.01 0~40 64
KS18-200P 2330 1040 2040 2000 ±0.01 0~40 68


KS-S Type

KS Linear Actuators / SAR are equipped with a dust-proof strip to prevent wear particles from flying out. Because of the dust-proof design, this type of Linear Actuators / SAR is ideal for the manufacturing of semiconductor equipment, LED examination equipment, medical equipment, etc.



  • Low cost and compact
  • Dust-proof design
  • Precision and high speed
  • Easy installation
  • Design Optimization*
    • high stiffness + light weight structure


Spesifikasi :

Model Dimensions
Stroke Length
Tem. (°C)
L1 L2 L3
KS18-030S 1075 190 340 300 ±0.01 0~40 34
KS18-040S 1175 240 440 400 ±0.01 0~40 36
KS18-050S 1275 290 540 500 ±0.01 0~40 38
KS18-060S 1375 340 640 600 ±0.01 0~40 44
KS18-080S 1575 440 840 800 ±0.01 0~40 44
KS18-100S 1775 540 1040 1000 ±0.01 0~40 48
KS18-120S 1975 640 1240 1200 ±0.01 0~40 52
KS18-140S 2175 740 1440 1400 ±0.01 0~40 56
KS18-160S 2375 840 1640 1600 ±0.01 0~40 60
KS18-180S 2575 940 1840 1800 ±0.01 0~40 64
KS18-200S 2775 1040 2040 2000 ±0.01 0~40 68



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