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Servo MR-J2 Super 200-230VAC



Kitoma Indonesia - Servo Mitsubishi tipe MR-J2 Super 200-230VAC

With even higher performance and expanded capacity range of 50W to 37kW. The MR-J2S is complimented by an outstanding family of servo motors all of which utilize an absolute 131, 072 pulses per revolution encoder as standard. Other distinguishing features include higher frequency response to 550 Hz. The ability to accept pulse commands up to 500K Hz along with patented Real-Time Adaptive Tuning. RS232C serial interface for Windows based set-up ( MR-Configurator) . Control modes include speed, position, and torque as well models with built-in positioning controllers. CC-Link or SSCNET networking capability is optional. UL and CE rated for global acceptance. The MR-J2S supports the following control methods: Position, Speed, Torque, SSCNET Network, CC-Link, Profibus-DP, DeviceNet, Built-In Motion, and RS-485 Multi Drop.



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