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Loadcell AND X-Y Series (TIDAK TERSEDIA)



Kitoma Indonesia : Loadcell AND X-Y Series

X-Y Force type Load cells

Ideal for tire uniformity measurement, etc.

Simultaneous measurement in the X dan Y directions with one unit
Structure designed for excellent toughness and durability
Minimal mutual interference with simultaneous loading on the X and Y axes

AND X-Y models

XY-500L/250L : X-500 kg (5 kN), Y-250 kg (2.5 kN)
XY-750L/250L : X-750 kg (7.5 kN), Y-250 kg (2.5kN)
XY-1000L/500L : X-1000 kg (10 kN), Y-500 kg (5 kN)

AND X-Y Features

  • Ideal for tire uniformity measurement, etc.
  • Simultaneous measurement in the X and Y directions with one unit
  • Structure designed for excellent toughness and durability
  • Minimal mutual interference with simultaneous loading on the X and Y axes



Rated capacity (R.C.) X-500 kg Y-250 kg (X:5 kN, Y:2.5 kN)
X-750 kg Y-250 kg (X:7.5 kN, Y:2.5 kN)
X-1000 kg Y-500 kg (X:10 kN, Y:5 kN)
Rated output (R.O.) 2 mV/V ±1% (for X, Y)
Non linearity 0.1% R.O.
Hysteresis 0.05% R.O.
Repeatability 0.05% R.O.
Recommended excitation voltage 5 V to 10 V AC/DC
Max. excitation voltage 20 V AC/DC
Zero balance ± 1% R.O.
Input terminals bridge resistance 350 Ω ± 3.5 Ω
Output terminals bridge resistance 350 Ω ± 3.5 Ω
Insulation resistance 2000 MΩ (B/E DC 50 V)
Cable diameter/length φ7, 4-core shielded cable, 10 m, connector end
Zero point temperature effect 0.05% R.O./10 °C
Temperature effect on output 0.05% Load/10 °C
Temperature compensated range –10 °C to +70 °C
Temperature usable range –10 °C to +70 °C
Safe overload 150% R.L.
Limited overload 200% R.L.
Dustproof/Waterproof IP54
Natural frequency More than 1 kHz
Crosstalk 2.5 N or less (5 kN / 2.5 kN)
5.0 N or less (7.5 kN /5 kN, 10 kN, / 2.5 kN, 5 kN / 5 kN)



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