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Loadcell Interface Unipulse F159



Kitoma Indonesia  - Menyediakan Loadcell Interface Unipulse F159 untuk PLC OMRON SYSMAC CJ1/CJ2/NJ

F159 thoroughly eliminates wasted time and energy in the production system by curtailing the time needed to develop a weighing system and improving maintenance management, modifications and serviceability.

F159 is a loadcell interface that allows direct connection to OMRON SYSMAC CJ1/CJ2/NJ bus. F159 thoroughly eliminates wasted time and energy in the production system by curtailing the time needed to develop a weighing system and improving maintenance management, modifications and serviceability. At the same time, it promises great cost reductions and high added value.

About the connection propriety of NJ series
CPU unit (NJ301/NJ501): ver.1.06 or later connectable
Sysmac Studio: ver.1.07 or later connectable


Specifications Unipulse F159


Loadcell cabling 6-wire input (+EXC, +S, -S, -EXC, SHIELD, +SIG, -SIG), remote sensing
Excitation voltage 10VDC±5%, source current max.120 mA (up to four 350 load cells can be connected in parallel)
Zero adjustment 0 - 2mV/V
Coarse: Digital control using the coarse adjustment circuit
Fine: Automatic adjustment using digital calculation
Span adjustment 0.3 - 3.2mV/V
Coarse: Digital control using the coarse adjustment circuit
Fine: Automatic adjustment using digital calculation
Min. sensitivity 0.3μV/count
Accuracy Non-linearity: within 0.01% FS (Typ. 0.005% FS, room temperature)
Zero drift: within 0.2μV/℃ RTI Typ. 0.15μV/℃
Gain drift: within 15ppm/℃ (Typ. 5 ppm/)
Analog filter Bessel type low-pass filter (-12dB/oct)
Cut off frequency selectable from 2, 4, 6, 8 Hz
A/D converter ⊿∑ method converter
conversion rate: 500times/sec.
resolution: 24 bit (binary)
Display resolution 1/10000(1/4 scale division enabled)
1/40000 (1/4 scale division disabled)


Power consumption 350 load cell: Approx. 300 mA (single load cell) - Approx. 700 mA (four cells in parallel)
Environment Temperature: Operational 0℃ - +55℃ (accuracy compensation applicable: 0℃ - +40℃)  Storage: -20℃ - +75℃
Humidity:90%RH (non-condensing)
Dimensions 31 (W)×90 (H)×65 (D) mm (protrusions excluded)
Weight Approx.150g






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